Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Organization sets precedence in citizen journalism

By Andy Munyoki

Over a dozen youths from Mutomo district of Kitui south have received empowerment to become assertive voices for the speechless in a marginalized region haunted by poor leadership, drought, hunger and other natural calamities for decades.

After a week long training in citizen journalism organized by Arid Lands Information Network [ALIN] the youths left with knowledge enabling them to identify and report effectively community issues that have remained unreported for long.

“Many things happen here, we never hear them on radio nor read them in papers” a trainee claimed.
The trainees had expressed their interest in the training organized by ALIN’s local Maarifa Centre at Mutomo which has remained a reputable centre for information and training for the community since it was established in 2007.
A training session in progress (Photo:Rhoda Musili/ALIN)
The citizen journalism training is the first of its kind in the region aimed at moulding community journalists who are expected to lobby and advocate on behalf of fellow residents on matters of governance and local leadership.

Lead trainer Dennis Kipkirui, a lecturer and media consultant urged the trainees to “provoke action and address issues affecting their immediate society without fear or favour” when winding up the course on Friday last week.

18 year old Millicent Susa says the urge to pursue a career in journalism was so overwhelming that she could not help walking for over three hours a day to attend the training from her home.

The trainees will receive certificates to prove their merit in the course in a profession invaded by quacks and infiltrated by other professionals diminishing the true spirit of journalism.

Among the youths were a 61 year old retired educationalist and a 42 year old vicar who termed the training an entry point towards empowerment of a community often overlooked by professional journalists in the county during their reporting.“I feel empowered and digitalized after this training” quipped pastor John Mutua Nyamai

Rhoda Musili, ALIN’s Field Officer for  the Mutomo Maarifa Centre challenged the trainees to put their knowledge in proper use while assisting them create a blog site called “ Mutomo Citizen voices” where the citizen journalists will publish their articles and features.

It is expected the citizen journalists will provide a shift from the past by utilizing their online publication site filling copy and uploading photographs that will tell their community’s stories.

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